Mobile Apps Development & Mobility Solutions – 2014

Mobile Apps Development & Mobility Solutions – 2014

Mobile apps development have become a very important part of the software development companies. This has also been influenced by the rising demand of mobility solution in the last five years. At the beginning of 2014, Apple and Google stores were seen to be offering more than 1 million apps. Free apps and paid apps, both are actually hitting the ceiling in terms of downloads per day. Mobility has gained the status of being the most disruptive innovation of technology at the present scenario. The growth of mobile devices from accessing business email and data to on the move has been immense. Mobility solution is a process through which organizations leverage conceptual data and reach out to the customers in an effective manner. Mobile technologies come with the feature of conducting business their own location, have the capability of unlocking immense business values and provided innovative solution for business growth.

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Mobile App Development Company

Idea centric mobile apps are attracting huge investments and incredible acquisitions. Some were lucky enough to make billions of dollars in revenues. In 2013, Apple has paid iOS developers $8bn. It’s going to increase in 2014. Photo-sharing, health-care, freemium game, business and messaging apps are definitely going to make money. Mobile app development companies are very focused on these verticals.

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Messaging apps is the craze in 2014. Apps like WeChat, WhatsApp and BBM rule the roost. The specialty is that all new messaging apps gives the user much more than messaging. They provide games, shopping, music, images, video and social media. Mobile app developers are anxiously waiting for google glass to make apps for it.

Educational apps are going to be prominent in 2014. As more and more students in more countries going to possess mobile devices, edu apps will become a rage. Innumerable apps will be needed to cater to existing curriculum.

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Mobile Apps Development Company

Mobile Apps Development Company

Apps will conquer offices soon. Enterprise apps developed by companies are intended only to their staff. So many innovative apps in the enterprise sector won’t attract public or media attention. With more and more tablets appearing in office more apps will accompany them, but you won’t see them in app stores.

Related: What is Cross-Platform Apps Development

Businesses will soon understand the value of HTML5 development and its usage will increase in the enterprise.  Application development and delivery may shift to the cloud. Business applications may get consumerized. Next 6 months of 2014 will be very interesting to watch.

Increased usage of cloud driven apps

Cloud technology is booming and we should be thankful to app developed for several devices. With mobile and portable devices like wearables allow to access data from any device, it is obvious how the cloud will naturally take the central role for most applications. Since the integration and synchronization of applications across multiple devices will continue, cloud integration will continue to be adopted by more businesses and developers in the coming year. Moreover, major technology companies are working on integrated platforms and database cloud cloud engines.

Regarding Author:

Author is a senior business analyst and an expert in native mobile app development.


5G wireless is just around the corner.

While 2018 was the year when fixed 5G apps found their legs, in 2019 we will see 5G wireless finding its way to our Smartphones. 5G will expand the potential outcomes that present systems like 4G LTD offer by not only improving the user experience but additionally the mobile application development market. Applications that currently take minutes to download, under 5G, will be available in not more than seconds. It is 100 times quicker than 4G and will expand the application market as the possibilities for applications will be tremendous.

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MobileAPPtelligence is an ward winning mobile apps development company, delivering best in class iOS, Android, Blackberry and Windows apps for global clients More Posts

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